About Us
Our Mission Statement
Our Core Values
One of the most important virtues in our church. The ability to see our own need for increased maturity, learning and personal development allows the church to grow as a community.
Being grateful and appreciative towards others is a way to show that you value other people. Thankfulness alone is just a feeling. However, building upon that feeling, and showing gratitude necessitates action. Gratitude requires us to understand the role others play in our lives.
Love & Respect
Intentional Conflict Management (Matthew 18)– Implementing Christ’s plan for resolving congregational differences is a requirement. Doing so is a priority if our congregation desires to provide a safe place for people to work and worship.
Trust requires the congregation to be vulnerable and courageous with each other. To reward trust requires congregational leadership to act in a responsible way that is in the best interests of the entire congregation. Trust is crucial for us to feel safe with each other.
Ephesians 6:7: Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.
Community Outreach/Connection
Involvement/outreach helps our church avoid being an ingrown “club”. When the congregation uses its resources to help the community around itself, this supports a strong foundation, and builds structure that welcomes people to the church. Connection is having a willingness to share, contribute, help with each other. This is important in building healthy, happy, and fulfilling relationships in the church.
Disciple Making
Disciple making is the business of the Church. Having a strategic plan to help children, youth and adults come to faith in Christ, grow as disciples, develop within ministry, and then mentor women and men for leadership is fundamental to any successful congregation.